News and 'live' updates on the 2005 Staples2Naples Rally (Main site : )

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

We have a winner

Congratulations to members Scotty_B and Muzorewa who won the two auctions for the SEAT Cupra racecar bonnet and front bumper. We raised over £130 which will be split between the two UK Charities. Our next auction will be a Dyantwist Induction kit for a Leon or Ibiza Cupra 1.8T. Probably start that next week

We've heard from the organisers of the Staples2Naples rally about Saren and its bad news. Virtually all the town centre was flooded and all the hotels have damage on the first floor. The hotel were staying in wont have a restarant and will only have 50% of the rooms available. We will get a list shortly, but looks like we may have to find alternative accomodation or sleep in the car. Never mind at least its not our town. I'm sure that 300 competitiors will help keep Saren in profit in food and drink on the Friday evening!


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