News and 'live' updates on the 2005 Staples2Naples Rally (Main site : )

Friday, September 09, 2005

Two weeks to go

Just under two weeks to go now until we start the Rally. Rob and Iain back in the UK have the car sorted and all ready to go, while I've just finished the artwork for the livery and some props we have to wear (don't ask!) for a challenge on Day 3.

We have two auctions coming up shortly. We will be auctioning off the Badget5 supplied Dyantwist in a couple of days, while Ten-Tenths have also come on board and offering us a supsription with goodies, which will also go on Ebay.

Finally, Edd China (Channel 4's Wheeler Dealers) and his Cummfy Banana company have also come on board as partners donating to the BHF.


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