News and 'live' updates on the 2005 Staples2Naples Rally (Main site : )

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

New web address

I have decided not to re-new as we are not taking part this year, so this address no longer works.

If you would like to view the website, click on the link above or

Friday, September 30, 2005

another pic

Another pic to go on with as we await for the report, courtsey from Amy of Team0077 (Lada Riva Estate!).

This picture shows (l-r)Allan, Rob and Iain stickering up the car, realising communication between the UK and Canada broke down and the charity logos don't fit! They managed to fit them all on though and the car looked great.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Lots of pictures

Rob sent me lots of pics. As I know he will be writing a report for the blog, I'll save most of them for that, but here are a few to go on with...
ps: also a shed load of pictures of heaps here (linked to one of the carlton)

..and thank you to our sponsors

Massive thanks to everyone who sponsored us...

(On some browsers, you can click on the images for a larger view)

back in Blightie!

The boys made it back to the UK and I should have some photos soon. In the meantime, there are quite a few photos HERE including some of the Carlton.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Rolling Stones win Best Car and Best Bodge Award

Well, good news. Rob, Iain and Allan won the Best livery award for their Flintstone paintwork and the Best Bodge, I assume for the gearbox repair that Iain undertook.

The guys did amazingly well against over 100 entries. They were joint 1st on Day 1 and think they were 1st on the last day, just the middle two days (not helped by the Clint props I mentioned in the earlier posts) let them down. Rob thinks they were probably just about in the top 5, top 10 overall at worst, so a MASSIVE WELL DONE to the three of them.

Thanks to everyone who supported all of us through sponsorship and donation in the UK. Just from sponsors I know of (I dont know about 'traditional' sponsor forms in the UK) we've raised around £ 3000 ($6200 CAD) between the three charities.


I'll get Rob to write up a report in the coming days

Monday, September 26, 2005


Just had a quick text from Rob. They have made it to Naples and now at the hotel waiting for scores (which last year was after 9pmCET 12PST). They did really well considering the gearbox was on its last legs after Day 1

I'm assuming they picked up the pack. More news as I get it

Day 4 - Task

detour to hospital!

Seems Allan has really replaced me!

If anyone knows about my countless trips to hospital, trying to work through them all A-Z. Allan ended up visting casulty tonight with a problem with his contact lenses according to a text sent at 4.30am CET! I assume he's OK!

Something tells me, they will be finding the final day rather tough!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Day 3 - news from Rob

Rob, Iain and Allan managed to get four of the five petrol stations on today's leg and currently watching Clint Eastwood films on the DVD player they brought with them for a Clint General Knowledge test (!) this evening which are worth more points. There pretty gutted they missed one of the pertol stations, but they still did really well.

Rob mentioned that they only missed two pictures yesterday and they could only find a couple of people who had got these although in view of the gearbox problems on Day 1, and lack of Clint props, finishing is the main aim.

Of the other two members, Rob Banbridge and his guys are doing well, but with hardly any breaks while the Lada of Amy is still going strong

Day 3

No news yet, but today is potentially a long day through central Italy. I've found out the Challenge for the day is photo of all team by pump no 3 at 5 Esso stations. All the teams have to be dressed in Clint Eastwood western gear conplete with Super Soakers - Quite controversial between the teams as these were discontinued. Add to the extra cost of cowboys hats and ponchos and many people were wondering before hand if this was actually a rally or not!

Unfortunately in the haste to send all the bits to the UK, I forgot to send the ponchos I made. The guys are also a cowboy hat and a supersoaker short, so will loose points for this non-rally element, but its the taking part that counts.

Goos news, one of the other teams ( have taken a pic of our hood (bonnet!) with all the sponsors on.

More news as I get it :)

pic courtsey of :)

Saturday, September 24, 2005

'New' news is good news!

Couple of texts now recieved:

The guys got up at the crack of dawn and worked on the gearbox. Iain did a great bodge job that kept the gearbox cool all day (?!?). They then decided to go over the Alps as planned and take part in today's treasure hunt. Car is now spot on and the guys have managed to get 18 of the 20 photos required for the day so there very happy.

Day 2 - No news is good news

No texts or emails so far (its early afternoon in Europe) so that has to be good news. A quick surft of the net and it seems lots of cars have had trouble with brakes on the Alps and also overheating including Team PistonBroke.

More news as I get it. This year's route is similar to last years and we got in about 8-9pm last year, so hopefully news in a few hours time. Main aim for Rolling Stones now is just to keep going (and Rob, Iain and Allan cant get maximum points tomorrow as its a pathetic fancy dress day tomorrow and much of this is still in Canada!)

(There are some photos from another team here:- )

Friday, September 23, 2005

message from the boys

The car is a bit ill but we may be able to do a bodge job on it we are going to get up early to have a look we are considering having a go tomorrow as we a leading and it would be a shame to throw it all away now.
The first day was a snooker chalenge where we had to find and photo a red car then a colour for 15 times and then all the colours in order but black a pink where swaped so pink was last and guess who found a pink car whith only 15 miles to go!
Amy (from and the girls have won a mio travel pilot we may have too, but we will find out tomorrow.
Cheers mate sorry that you are not here but the car is the star of the event.

Joint Leaders after 1st day!!!!!

Had a text from Rob and Iain. They did really well today with maximum points and out of over 100 cars, there actually Joint 1st!!!

However as they reached the Hotel, the Automatic gearbox overheated. I'm not sure how terminal it is, but there sure they can reach Naples, although they will have to take it easy and by-pass some of the harder mountain passes which must be a shame for the guys. The car is still creating a stir. Photos will surface hopefully :)