News and 'live' updates on the 2005 Staples2Naples Rally (Main site : )

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Day 3 - news from Rob

Rob, Iain and Allan managed to get four of the five petrol stations on today's leg and currently watching Clint Eastwood films on the DVD player they brought with them for a Clint General Knowledge test (!) this evening which are worth more points. There pretty gutted they missed one of the pertol stations, but they still did really well.

Rob mentioned that they only missed two pictures yesterday and they could only find a couple of people who had got these although in view of the gearbox problems on Day 1, and lack of Clint props, finishing is the main aim.

Of the other two members, Rob Banbridge and his guys are doing well, but with hardly any breaks while the Lada of Amy is still going strong


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