News and 'live' updates on the 2005 Staples2Naples Rally (Main site : )

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The car rocks!!!!

Rob and Iain have done a fantastic job on painting the car!!! Last night I seperated out all the full size drgs I have at home into seperate A4 sheets for them to print and stick together and then had to email them all! Must have been 30-40 of them!!!

Anyway it worked and Rob and Iain have created a fantastic masterpiece. It looks so good. Rob will be getting some more images tomorrow before he leaves.

Hopefully if FedEx do there job, they will get the stickers on Thursday morning. Two other teams (Team 0077 and Team PistonBroke) will be ready in Calais to help the guys add the stickers......just got to hope they arrive in time!

Other news. Iain's brother in law Allan Cooke has agreed to take my place which makes the trip much more ahieveable and reduces the costs. Allan is 26 and lives in essex. He's a teacher/ actor whilst also finding time to study for for his masters

I'm sure you'll agree Rob and Iain have done a fantastic job.


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