News and 'live' updates on the 2005 Staples2Naples Rally (Main site : )

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Day 3

No news yet, but today is potentially a long day through central Italy. I've found out the Challenge for the day is photo of all team by pump no 3 at 5 Esso stations. All the teams have to be dressed in Clint Eastwood western gear conplete with Super Soakers - Quite controversial between the teams as these were discontinued. Add to the extra cost of cowboys hats and ponchos and many people were wondering before hand if this was actually a rally or not!

Unfortunately in the haste to send all the bits to the UK, I forgot to send the ponchos I made. The guys are also a cowboy hat and a supersoaker short, so will loose points for this non-rally element, but its the taking part that counts.

Goos news, one of the other teams ( have taken a pic of our hood (bonnet!) with all the sponsors on.

More news as I get it :)

pic courtsey of :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9/25/2005 5:00 pm  
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9/25/2005 5:17 pm  

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