News and 'live' updates on the 2005 Staples2Naples Rally (Main site : )

Friday, September 30, 2005

another pic

Another pic to go on with as we await for the report, courtsey from Amy of Team0077 (Lada Riva Estate!).

This picture shows (l-r)Allan, Rob and Iain stickering up the car, realising communication between the UK and Canada broke down and the charity logos don't fit! They managed to fit them all on though and the car looked great.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is the report on its way guys, we'd love to hear all about it

10/02/2005 6:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, we want to know what happened! Seriouisly, well done guys

10/02/2005 8:14 pm  
Blogger Andy B said...

Give them a break. They have been away from home best part of a week. A report will appear in good time and will be worth the wait.

Thanks for your support


10/02/2005 8:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry guys and gals update is on it's way, had to do lots of diy to pay for the trip (keep wife happy)
thanks for your support

10/03/2005 9:43 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool :)

10/11/2005 3:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bit dissapointing there isnt a report up, seeing as we donated money to your cause :(

10/24/2005 2:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the report then guys

11/18/2005 6:37 am  

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